Weather Related Field Information

FIELD STATUS Hotline & Postings


Please refer to our FACEBOOK PAGE and/or our BAND Group Texting App for posts on field status

As soon as we are notified by the field complexes that are contracted with Buckeye Premier, we update the hotline. If your team is playing at a club-hosted field, you must contact the field coordinator for status. If your team is the team hosting the field, we encourage you to find out the status and communicate that with your opponent as well as with us!

Many complexes also have their statuses posted to their websites which can be found by googling the name. 

Field Status

Field Details

Field instructions

***IMPORTANT- The fields listed below are NOT NECESSARILY BPYSL CONTRACTED FIELDS. The fields listed below are all the fields that are on the schedules and are listed for address/direction purposes. 

**BPYSL Contracted Fields can be found on the left**

BPYSL Contracted Fields are fields that we arrange (and pay for) for teams when they request them. If you are playing at a field NOT on the BPYSL Contracted List, you must have permission from the Complex/Field Coordinator to play there (and are responsible for any fees related to playing there) as BPYSL does not have any usage rights for fields other than the ones on the BPYSL Contracted Fields List.